2012 Dec 13. 2011 Aug;60(8):929-35. Chinese. 150 79 0000009656 00000 n Pulse oximetry-derived Pleth variability index can predict dexmedetomidine-induced changes in blood pressure in spontaneously breathing patients. Thirunelli RK, Nanjundaswamy NH. Changes in pleth variability index and detection of hypotension during spinal anaesthesia for caesarean section. Randomised Trial on Pleth Variability Index during Fast-Track Colonic Surgery, Insights into Fast-Track Colon Surgery: A Plea for a Tailored Program, A Pilot Study of the Pleth Variability Index as an Indicator of Volume-Responsive Hypotension in Newborn Infants during Surgery, Respiration Signals from Photoplethysmography, Pleth Variability Index is a Weak Predictor of Fluid Responsiveness in Patients Receiving. 2011 Jul;66(7):582-9. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 29203173. Tomo A, Pekdemir M, Ozturan IU, Dogan NO, Yaka E, Yilmaz S. Clin Exp Emerg Med. A prospective clinical study of pleth variability index in prediction of volume responsiveness in patients with septic shock. Sección de PosgradoGinecología y Obstetriciahttp://purl.org/pe-repo/renati/level#tituloSegundaEspecialidadhttps://purl.org/pe-repo/renati/type#trabajoAcademicoORIGINALmartinez_rck.pdfmartinez_rck.pdfapplication/pdf780612https://repositorio.usmp.edu.pe/bitstream/20.500.12727/6347/1/martinez_rck.pdf56909355a7f911e26196c8d20ab1f1f7MD51LICENSElicense.txtlicense.txttext/plain; charset=utf-81748https://repositorio.usmp.edu.pe/bitstream/20.500.12727/6347/2/license.txt8a4605be74aa9ea9d79846c1fba20a33MD52TEXTmartinez_rck.pdf.txtmartinez_rck.pdf.txtExtracted texttext/plain47209https://repositorio.usmp.edu.pe/bitstream/20.500.12727/6347/3/martinez_rck.pdf.txt8dc5bbf919cf57258e2f5358af11d24aMD53THUMBNAILmartinez_rck.pdf.jpgmartinez_rck.pdf.jpgGenerated Thumbnailimage/jpeg5157https://repositorio.usmp.edu.pe/bitstream/20.500.12727/6347/4/martinez_rck.pdf.jpg2512d1383cb8b00704651559b0a00058MD5420.500.12727/6347oai:repositorio.usmp.edu.pe:20.500.12727/63472020-07-16 03:01:03.805REPOSITORIO ACADEMICO USMPrausmp@gmail.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. 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En el presente estudio de Doppler de la arteria uterina, la medición de la velocidad media tuvo más sensibilidad y especificidad que el índice de pulsatilidad, en la PE de inicio tardío y la RCIU. Goal-directed fluid therapy guided by Plethysmographic Variability Index (PVI) versus conventional liberal fluid administration in children during elective abdominal surgery: A randomized controlled trial, Clinical utility of ultrasonography, pulse oximetry and arterial line derived hemodynamic parameters for predicting post-induction hypotension in patients undergoing elective craniotomy for excision of brain tumors - A prospective observational study, Correlation between pleth variability index and ultrasonic inferior vena cava-collapsibility index in parturients with twin pregnancies undergoing cesarean section under spinal anesthesia, Pleth Variability Index-Based Goal-Directed Fluid Management in Patients Undergoing Elective Gynecologic Surgery, Use of the pleth variability index in children with obstructive respiratory disease, The role of perfusion index and plethysmography variability index for predicting dehydration severity in patients with acute gastroenteritis, Perioperative goal-directed fluid management using noninvasive hemodynamic monitoring in gynecologic oncology, Pleth Variability Index [PVI] based Intraoperative Fluid Management in Head and Neck Free Flap Reconstructive Surgeries, A Prospective Observational Study of Plethysmograph Variability Index and Perfusion Index in Predicting Hypotension with Propofol Induction in Noncardiac Surgeries, Dynamic variables predict fluid responsiveness in pre-school and school children undergoing neurosurgery: a prospective observational study. Washington DC. La idea de este estudio, debido a que tenemos como referencia la medición de estos valores en el primer trimestre, hallados por un estudio hace cuatro años en nuestro hospital, es identificar si este valor índice es el mismo en las gestantes de alto riesgo así también se desea identificar si los valores tomados en el segundo trimestre son similares o si su variación tiene mayor importancia y cuál sería más específico para realizar un diagnóstico oportuno y manejo eficaz preventivo y/o definitivo. 2012 Jul;67(7):777-83. 0000004506 00000 n Plethysmography variability index (PVI) changes in preterm neonates with shock-an observational study. [Article in Chinese]. J Clin Anesth. Chandler J.R., Cooke E., Petersen C., Froese N., Lim J., Ansermino J. Anesth Analg. PubMed PMID: 29178938; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5702064. Velocidad promedio en términos de ciclo cardíaco. Schoonjans A., Forget P., Labriola L., Deneys V., Jadoul M., Pingaut I., De Kock M. Acta Anaesthesiol Belg. 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Prediction Fluid Responsiveness in Laparoscopic Major Abdominal Surgery, Assessment of the Pleth Variability Index (PVi) to Guide Fluid Therapy during Renal Transplantation, Pre-Anesthetic PVi (Pleth Variability Index) Predicts Hypotension after Spinal Anesthesia during Cesarean Section, Prediction of Fluid Responsiveness Following Conventional Cardiac Surgery: A Comparison between Arterial Pulse Pressure Variation and Plethysmographic Variability Index, Comparison of Optimised Stroke Volume and Fluid Responsiveness Measurements from Commonly Used Technologies for Perioperative Goal Directed Fluid Therapy, Perfusion Index and its Dynamic Changes in Preterm Neonates with Patent Ductus Arteriosus, Perfusion Index and Plethysmographic Variability Index in Patients with Interscalene Nerve Catheters, Comparison between Pleth Variability Index and Arterial Pulse Pressure Variation in the Neurosurgical Intensive Care Unit (ICU), Goal-Directed Fluid Optimization Based on Respiratory Variations in the Pulse Oximeter Plethysmographic Waveform during Moderate Risk Surgery, Detection of Dehydration by Using Volume Kinetics, Prediction of Volume Responsiveness using Pleth Variability Index in Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery after Cardiopulmonary Bypass. 2011 Jul;55(6):686-93. 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El-Sabae and Mohame, Índice de variabilidad pletismográfica (PVi), Frecuencia respiratoria derivada de la pletismografía (RRp, Sistema de monitorización hemodinámica LiDCO, Sensores de monitorización de frecuencia respiratoria acústica (rainbow Acoustic Monitoring), Unidad de cuidados intensivos (UCI) y unidad de cuidados intensivos pediátricos (UCIP), Cuidados a largo plazo / intensivos secundarios, Monitorización de la frecuencia respiratoria acústica (RRa, Índice de reserva de oxígeno (Oxygen Reserve Index™[ORi™]), Monitorización de la función cerebral con SedLine, Capnografía y soluciones OEM de monitorización de gases múltiples, Etiquetas UDI (identificador único de dispositivos), https://doi.org/10.1186/s42077-020-00097-4, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mjafi.2021.06.026, https://dx.doi.org/10.3389%2Ffmed.2017.00209, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcrc.2014.06.023, Monitores que el paciente puede llevar puestos, Conectividad automatizada para hospitales, Cooximetría de pulso y Acoustic Monitoring, Improve patient outcomes and reduce cost of care, Take noninvasive monitoring to new sites and applications. 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Importancia De Los Cuidados Postoperatorios, Suzuki Jimny Segunda Mano Cerca De Juliaca, Cachorros Salchicha En Adopción, Brochure De Empresas Constructoras Pdf, Artesanía De La Sierra Peruana, Universidades De Chiclayo Privadas, Ugel Puno Mesa De Partes Virtual, Un Ensayo Argumentativo Sobre El Uso De Los Pirotécnicos, Objetivos Estratégicos De Un Restaurante De Comida Rápida,