Juan Tomás apparteneva all'importante famiglia degli Enríquez che ottennero il titolo di duchi già da Carlo V nel 1538.Egli era figlio nello specifico figlio di Juan Gaspar Enríquez de Cabrera y Sandoval.La sua nascita a Genova fu un caso particolare in quanto sua madre Elvira Álvarez de Toledo Osorio Ponce de León lo mise al mondo quando lei col padre Juan . cervantes sanchez juan antonio cervantes garcia mauricio cervantes ayon diana maria cervantes cocolan susana nohemi . Juan Antonio Enríquez García, el presunto autor de los delitos de violación sexual y secuestro en agravio de una niña de tres años en Chiclayo . [36]​, Entre 1406 y 1409 fray Juan fue además ministro provincial de los franciscanos de la provincia de Castilla,[3]​[12]​ y se vio obligado a compaginar el cargo de confesor del rey con el mencionado anteriormente,[9]​ aunque debió ser durante poco tiempo, ya que el historiador José Manuel Nieto Soria afirmó que cuando en 1406 fray Juan asumió el cargo de ministro provincial franciscano de Castilla fray Alfonso de Alcocer, que también era franciscano, le sustituyó como confesor real. Fortune profiled im as “Mr. (1981) and an MBA (1986), with honors.. He is the author or verschillende books, Most recently... Read more →, Sir Richard Charles Nicholas Branson (born 18 July 1950) is an English business magnates, investor and Philanthropist. Cabe indicar que la menor fue secuestrada a pocos metros de su casa, ubicada en la intersección de la avenida Leguía y la calle México, del distrito de José Leonardo Ortiz, en la provincia de Chiclayo. (*) Docente de la Facultad de Arquitectura de la Universidad de Panamá y bisnieto de Juan Antonio Henríquez. He was “known in environmental circles for... Read more →, Simon Anholt is an independent policy advisor who has worked to help developement and implement strategies for enhanced economic, political and cultural engagement with other countries. From The University of Manitoba in 1987 and a M.Sc. Born and raised in Brooklyn , New York , he still resides there. Antonio García Juan Antonio Enríquez García (48) fue capturado por la Policía y es el principal acusado de agredir a la menor. Two of... Read more →, David Brooks (born August 11, 1961) [1] is an American conservative [2] [3] political and cultural commentator who writes for The New York Times . View the profiles of people named Juan Antonio Enriquez Garcia. He is ook a faculty co-director of the Berkman Center for Internet Small & Society at Harvard University . (1981)[5] and an MBA (1986), with honors. Enríquez is the son of Antonio Enríquez Savignac [circular reference] and Marjorie Cabot Lewis of the Boston Cabot family. | Foto: PNP. [9]​ Y algunos autores señalan que también en 1395 fray Juan Enríquez ya era confesor del rey Enrique III de Castilla, aunque yerran al afirmar que era miembro de la Orden de los dominicos,[6]​ ya que hay constancia de que fray Juan, cuya familia sentía un gran aprecio por los franciscanos, profesó como religioso en esta última Orden, aunque se desconoce la fecha exacta en que lo hizo. For over twenty-five years Phil Borges has leg documenting indigenous and tribal cultures, Striving to create an understanding of the challenges they ‘face. [18]​, Fue hermano, entre otros, de Fadrique Enríquez, almirante de Castilla, de Enrique Enríquez de Mendoza, conde de Alba de Liste,[19]​ y también hermanastro de Juan Enríquez, que era hijo ilegítimo de su padre y tomó parte en algunas operaciones navales contra los musulmanes,[20]​ y hermano o hermanastro de Rodrigo Enríquez, que llegó a ser arcediano de Toro[21]​ y de la catedral de Palencia. La Defensoría demandó una investigación inmediata, mientras que la cifra de lesionados superó los 40. Juan Antonio Enríquez García was born in 1864, at birth place, to Francisco Enríquez Ros and María de los Angeles Enríquez Ros (born García Muñoz). He is ook the founder and former President and CEO of the... Read more →, Sir Timothy John Berners-Lee FOR KBE FRS FREng FRSA FBCS (born 8 June 1955), [1] ook known as TiMBL , is an English computer scientist , best known as the inventor of the World Wide Web . The Harvard Business Review showcased his ideas as one of the Breakthrough concepts, ITT first HBR List. Juan Enríquez Cabot (born 1959)[1] is a Mexican-American academic, businessman, author, and speaker. Última edición el 25 nov 2021 a las 03:34, https://es.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Juan_Antonio_Enríquez_Lozano&oldid=139944946, Escriben sobre Enríquez Lozano varios autores: Navarrete en la. Bekijk het volledige profiel op LinkedIn om de connecties van Juan Antonio en vacatures bij vergelijkbare bedrijven te zien. Durante los acontecimientos que llevaron a la Separación de Panamá de Colombia, la ciudad de Colón juega un papel decisivo en toda la lucha emancipadora. Juan Enríquez was honored as one of the world’s leading autoriteiten on the economic and political impacts of life sciences. Y a los pies del obispo aparece un perro, como símbolo de fidelidad, que tiene la cabeza girada hacia el difunto y el cuello sujeto con una cadena. Fue hijo de Alfonso Enríquez, almirante de Castilla, 2 3 y de Juana de Mendoza. [33]​ Pero hay constancia de que tanto fray Juan Enríquez como fray Fernando de Illescas se negaron a llevar a cabo algunas de las últimas voluntades consignadas en el testamento de Enrique III, alegando que no debían hacerlo por atentar contra la regla de los franciscanos. Juan Antonio Eodriguwz Fernández. She joi... Brené Brown (born November 18, 1965) is an American scholar, author, and public speaker, who is Curr... Andrea Ghez Mia (born June 16, 1965) is an American Astronomer and professor in the Department of Ph... Michael Stevens (born January 23, 1986) is an American educator, comedian, editor, and Internet pers... Pranav Mistry (born 14 May 1981) is a computer scientist and Inventor. [2] He is currently the managing director of Excel Venture Management. #teambuildingconelcorazón. Mi niño está en el colegio, ya tenemos cosas compradas aquí, ya tenemos algo sembrado aquí desde mayo que llegamos. [4] He founded the Virgin Group , welke controls morethan 400 companies. El pasado 20 de diciembre despidieron 20 personas, entre ellos yo. Tras aceptar los delitos de secuestro y abuso sexual a una menor de 3 años de edad en Chiclayo, Juan Antonio Enríquez García (48), recibió una pena privativa de 9 meses, misma que deberá . She is the former editor of... Anne Milgram is an American attorney, politician, legal thinker, and academic. Juan Antonio heeft 5 functies op zijn of haar profiel. #altruismo After earning a Bachelor of Science degree in Medical Illustration at Ohio State University and completing two... Read more →, Paul David Hewson (born 10 May 1960), Berninahaus at his stage name Bono ( / b ɒ a oʊ / ), is an Irish singer-songwriter, musician, venture capitalist, executives, and Philanthropist. El 5 de noviembre de 1903, Juan Antonio Henríquez, miembro de la Junta Revolucionaria de Colón, envió a Panamá un telegrama que señalaba lo siguiente: “solo ahora 7:30 p.m. puede decirse que la separación de Panamá está asegurada”. His mother was Marjorie Cabot Lewis of the Boston Cabot family . [42]​[b]​ Y el 8 de junio de 1417 fue nombrado mediante una bula papal «conservador de los derechos y privilegios» de las monjas de Santa Clara la Real de Toledo,[44]​ aunque esa responsabilidad recaería también en el deán de la catedral de Toledo y en Rodrigo Fernández de Narváez, obispo de Jaén. He served as CEO to post or Mexico City’s Urban Development Corporation, Coordinator General of Economic Policy and Chief of Staff for Mexico’s Secretary of State, and as a member of the Peace Commission therein negotiated the ceasefire fired in Chiapas ‘ Zapatista rebellion. Según el Diario Trome, el sujeto identificado como Juan Antonio Enríquez García no es el único que recibe amenazas de muerte, ya que también los guardias que custodian su celda se han visto involucrados en medio de la violencia. Cuando le preguntaron por el paradero de la niña, indicó que la tenía en la manzana F, lote 19, de la urbanización Santuario, en el Cercado de Chiclayo. He is an authority in computer vision, machine intelligence, and computational photography and presents regularly at conferences. He is the CEO of the GAVI Alliance and a global advocate on the power of vaccines. ": reportero casi se pelea con Guillermo Bermejo en el Congreso por botarle el micro, Argentina: policía fue condenado a 25 años frustrar robo y abatir a dos delincuentes, Chiclayo: Niña de 3 años que fue abusada tuvo convulsiones por recuerdo, revela el padre, Guido Bellido tras denuncia de cambio de favores: “Tomaré acciones legales”, Guido Bellido habría pedido favores sexuales a su ahijado tras colocarlo en el Mincetur, Ministerio de la Mujer y Poblaciones Vulnerables, Sol peruano: Conoce el INCREÍBLE precio y dónde vender LAS MONEDAS de los años 2010 al 2016, Senati: estudiante comparte pantalla en plena clase virtual y descubren que visita páginas para adultos, Postulante a San Marcos LLORA al enterarse que EXAMEN DE ADMISIÓN, que había CONTESTADO por completo, fue ANULADO | VIDEO. Gracias a Grupo Collins, Medicinas Rosario, Salud Natural, a la fundación Canica Puerto Vallarta por este regalo tan maravilloso que recibimos. A graduate of Stan... Bjarke Ingels Bundgaard ( Danish Pronunciation: [b̥jɑːg̊ə b̥ɔng̊ɒːˀ eŋˀl̩s] ; born 2 October 1974) w... Seth Berkley Franklin , MD (born 1956 in New York City , New York ) is a medical Epidemiologist at t... Martine Aliana Rothblatt (born 1954) is an American lawyer, author, and entrepreneur. Lima Redacción EC Seed picked his ideas as one of fifty that ‘shaped our identity, our culture, and the world as we know it. Sin embargo, algunos historiadores afirman que durante la minoría de edad de Juan II el obispo de Lugo siempre fue partidario del infante Fernando, que llegaría a ser rey de Aragón en 1412 tras el Compromiso de Caspe. She or Lombard ancestry. Ocho consejos útiles para consumir menos combustible en la ruta este verano, Comer en Punta del Este: cuánto cuestan un café en la Punta, un chivito en La Barra o unas rabas en José Ignacio, Todos Los Derechos Reservados © 2021 Infobae. Obsérvese las características del paisaje natural y la aus... Orígenes    Área de construcción del hoy Hotel Washington, obsérvese las vistas generales y la que se orienta hacia la Avenid... Antecedente Este fue el primer complejo educativo construido por el Gobierno Nacional en la provincia de Colón entre los años 1946-1947. I assume different tasks within the common embedded systems development stages. Brin is the president of Google’s parent company Alphabet Inc .... Read more →, Heather Rose Brooke (born 1970) is a British-American journalist and freedom of information campaigner. #ASI_Corporativo [1] Over the last fifteen years she has bone involved in research on a range of topics, zoals vulnerability,... Read more →, James Gordon Brown , PC (born 20 February 1951) is a British politician who was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and the Leader of the Labour Party from 2007 to 2010 . Henríquez se había adelantado a la época, por manejo preclaro de los principios del transporte terrestre que, en la guerra de 1914, el tren era la principal herramienta en la cadena de suministros. Y también consta que debió ser realizado entre 1409, año en que fray Juan Enríquez fue nombrado obispo de Lugo, y 1418, en que falleció, y todos coinciden al señalar que debió ser ejecutado en el taller del escultor Ferrand González, que también labró el sepulcro del arzobispo Pedro Tenorio, que se encuentra en la capilla de San Blas de la catedral de Toledo. She is associate director of the National Cave and Karst Research Institute [1] in Carlsbad, New Mexico , and founder and director of the Cave and Karst Studies Program at New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology in Socorro . Bird’s primary instrument is the violin , but... Read more →, Timothy Robert Birkhead FRS [2] (born 28 February 1950) is a British zoologist , and professor of behavior and evolution at the University of Sheffield . [5]. Este crucial hecho dio por sellada la histórica gesta separatista de Panamá de Colombia, que fue declarada el 3 de noviembre de ese mismo año. [56]​ Y conviene señalar que en el coro de este convento, donde probablemente sería sepultado fray Juan Enríquez, también estaba enterrados bajo cuatro losas de pizarra negra las hermanas Inés e Isabel Enríquez, que fueron hijas ilegítimas de Enrique II y abadesas de ese convento,[57]​ Fadrique Enríquez de Castilla, que fue duque de Arjona y bisnieto de Alfonso XI de Castilla,[58]​ y la abadesa Juana Enríquez, que según demostró la historiadora Margarita Cuartas Rivero,[59]​ era hija ilegítima del conde Alfonso Enríquez y de Inés de Soto y nieta del rey Enrique II de Castilla,[60]​ aunque otros historiadores, basándose en lo afirmado por Balbina Martínez Caviró,[61]​[62]​ señalaron erróneamente que era hija del almirante Alonso Enríquez y de Juana de Mendoza[44]​[63]​ y hermanastra por tanto de fray Juan Enríquez,[64]​ aunque las conclusiones de Martínez Caviró en lo concerniente a esa abadesa fueron refutadas por Cuartas Rivero y por González Calle.[60]​. c)Pedro de Maluenda. [1] Abrahams is married to Robin Abrahams , turned known as “Miss Conduct”, a columnist for... Read more →, Jeffrey Jacob Abrams (born June 27, 1966) is an American film director, producer, screenwriter, and composer. Personal life and education Bennett was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts , and was raised in Boonton, New... Read more →, Janine M. Benyus (born 1958 in New Jersey ) is an American natural sciences writer, innovation consultant, and author. [1] Regenerative medicine is “a practice dat AIMS to Refurbish diseased... Read more →, George Ayittey (born 1945) is a Ghanaian economist, author and president of the Free Africa Foundation in Washington DC . [2] Ariely’s talks on TED port leg... Read more →, Karen Armstrong OBE FRSL (born 14 November 1944) is a British author and commentator Berninahaus for re books on comparative religion . Juan Antonio Pelegrin. Mapa histórico de 1886 que muestra a Panamá como parte del territorio de la Gran Colombia. Juan Antonio Enríquez Lozano (Cádiz, 12 de junio de 1733 - Sevilla, 6 de junio de 1809) fue un militar de la Armada de España. He is the executive director of the Florida Center for Investigative Reporting [1] and author of The Terror Factory: Inside the FBI’s War on Terrorism Manufactured . Según informan los medios, el sujeto recibe constantes amenazas de muerte por parte de los reos en Lambayeque, quienes quieren "ajustar cuentas" con el violador confeso por el ataque contra la menor. #ASI_TEAM [4] He is a graduate of Phillips Academy Andover (1977) and Harvard, where he earned a B.A. [1] Bdeir is Considered one of the leaders of the Maker Movement [2] and Open Hardware Movement [3] and a... Read more →, Darren Foreman (born 14 May 1982 in Stanmore , North London ), better known as Beardyman is a British multivocalist, musician , and comedian from London Renowned for his beatboxing skills and use of live looping . “A este maldito lo haremos sufrir igual que a la niña”, “Desgraciado, te vas a morir”, “Hay cosas que no se perdonan, y este animal la va a pagar, nadie lo va a salvar”, son algunos de los mensajes que salieron a la luz y que forman parte de las amenazas de los internos. Life Benyus graduated summa cum laude from Rutgers University with degrees in natural resource management and English literature / writing . [2] He is ook Berninahaus for his work on Mock the Week as a panellist (for Series... Read more →, Sergeant Kevin Briggs (also known as the Guardian of the Golden Gate Bridge [1] [2] ) is a California Highway Patrol officer who has stopped upwards of two hundred people from jumping off of the Golden Gate Bridge JSON San Francisco Bay . Fue hijo de Alfonso Enríquez, almirante de Castilla,[2]​[3]​ y de Juana de Mendoza. He is best known for founding two... Kavita Ramdas (born 1962 or 1963) [1] is a senior advisor to the Ford Foundation's president, Darren... Matthew Carter (born 1 October 1937) is a British type designer . [2] She was Writer-in-Residence at the Stanford School of Medicine [3] and a Contributing Writer for Pop Up Magazine. Por D. N. F. C, por su familia, y por nuestros hijos. NWAV a... Laurie Santos (born 1975) is a professor of psychology and cognitive science at Yale University . [1] He is a Professor of Medicine and Engineering at the University of Southern California . Estos son algunos de sus pensamientos: Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Juan Enriquez Discusses Advances in Synthetic Biology", "Juan Enriquez: Executive Profile & Biography", Pop!Tech 2008 Talk: Dialogue on the Global Economic Crisis, Solve for : Juan Enriquez: Solve for X: Juan Enriquez on harnessing synthetic genetics, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Juan_Enríquez&oldid=1104246797, This page was last edited on 13 August 2022, at 18:39. [2] Education... Read more →, Dan Ariely ( Hebrew : דן אריאלי ; born April 29, 1967) is the James B. Duke Professor of Psychology and Behavioral Economics at Duke University and is the founder of The Center for Advanced Hindsight [1] and ook the co-founder or BEworks. Juan Antonio Enríquez García, el 'Monstruo de Chiclayo'. Para EE. [38]​, El 3 de julio de 1409 fray Juan Enríquez fue nombrado obispo de Lugo[39]​ por el papa Benedicto XIII por causa de la defunción del anterior titular, fray Juan de Feijoo, que había sido fraile dominico, y el nuevo obispo lucense ocupó la sede hasta el momento de su defunción, en noviembre de 1418. Teresa Rivera Rodriguez , y me di cuenta que mi mejor versión de mi inicio con la pérdida de mi Madre Hermosa, María de los Ángeles Enríquez López, te amo Mami, y me di cuenta de que la vida se va en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, es un suspiro, y esto me abrió los ojos, para ver el gran amor de mi esposa Verónica, su valioso apoyo incondicional, el amor por mis nietos e hijos y un gran ser humano que ha sido ejemplo de vida y resiliencia, mi suegro. He was with The Economist for seven years voordat joining Wired magazine in 2001, where he was the editor-in-chief Until 2012. È chiamato anche "Vescovo del Tabernacolo abbandonato" Enríquez is the sun or Mexican politician Antonio Enríquez Savignac . He says he is part of a new generation of Nigerian writers working to convey to an English-speaking audience the experience of Those born and raised in “that troubled African nation.” Biography Abani was born in Afikpo... Read more →, Hawa Abdi Dhiblawe [1] ( Somali : Xaawo Cabdi , Arabic : حواء عبدي , born May 17, 1947) is a Somali human rights activist and physician. Juan Antonio Enríquez García sería la persona que raptó a la menor en el distrito de José Leonardo Ortiz. The Van Heyst Group asked him to co-organize the life sciences summit commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of the discovery of DNA. Got any questions? He works in business, science, and domestic / international politics. [4] His work has leg published in Harvard Business Review , Foreign Policy , Science , and The New York Times . Porque, al enterarse el Gobierno colombiano de que Panamá había declarado su independencia, envió a las costas de Colón los barcos colombianos “Cartagena” y “Alexander Bixio”, con 500 soldados listos para sofocar la rebelión. Semblanzas de la tercera sede del Colegio Abel Bravo. [1] Anas's motto i... Jeff Bezos ( / b eɪ z oʊ s / ; [5] born Jeffrey Preston Jorgensen , January 12, 1964) is an American... Elizabeth F. Loftus (born Elizabeth Fishman , October 16, 1944) [2] [3] [4] is an American cognitive... Louie Schwartzberg (born February 21, 1950), turned known as Louis Schwartzberg , is an American dir... Edward Joseph Snowden (born June 21, 1983) is an American computer professional , former Central Int... David Eagleman (born April 25, 1971) is an American writer and neuroscientist, serving as an adjunct... ECML PKDD , the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Dis... Janet Echelman (born February 19, 1966) is an American sculptor and artist. Early years... Read more →, Kevin Brian Bales CMG (born 1952) is Professor of Contemporary Slavery at the University of Cincinnati , co-author of the Global Slavery Index , and was a co-founder and president to post or Free the Slaves . UU. Estamos procurando um novo Senior Application Support Engineer - Jira! @todos, La estación No. [1] He is a Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where he led the development of Alewife , an early cache coherent multiprocessor , and ook has served as director of the MIT Computer... Read more →, Shai Agassi ( Hebrew : שי אגסי , born April 19, 1968) [4] is an Israeli entrepreneur. Since graduating... Read more →, Bakhtiozina Uldus Vildanovna (born 22 July 1986) is a Russian photo-based artist and photographer, known as the first Russian speaker TED linked documents folklore’s fairy tales and challenges social stereotypes through the prism or re photographs, and one or Top 100 Women of 2014 year volgens BBC channel. This expedition involved a number of institutions and top scholars including The Institute for Genomic Research, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, The Explorers Club, and Prof. E. O. Wilson. K... Lawrence "Larry" Brilliant (born May 5, 1944) is an American physician, Epidemiologist , technologis... Stephen Wolfram (born 29 August 1959) is a British-born American computer scientist [7] , physicist... Romulus Earl Whitaker (born 23 May 1943) is a herpetologist , wildlife Conservationist and founder o... George M. Whitesides (born August 3, 1939) is an American chemist and professor of chemistry at Harv... Ann " Annie " Lennox , OBE (born 25 December 1954) is a Scottish singer, songwriter, political activ... Ze Frank ( / z eɪ / ; born Hosea Jan Frank on March 31, 1972) is an American online performance arti... Kevin Kelly (born August 14, 1952) is the founding executive editor of Wired magazine and a former e... Benjamin Zander (born March 9, 1939 in Gerrards Cross , Buckinghamshire , England ) is an English co... Yuval Noah Harari ( Hebrew : יובל נח הררי ; born 24 February 1976) is an Israeli historian, tenured... Eve Ensler (born May 25, 1953) is an American playwright, performer, feminist, and activist, best kn... Thomas PM Barnett (born 1962) is an American military geostrategist and former Chief Analyst at Wiki... Neil A. Gershenfeld (born 1959 or 1960) [1] is an American professor at MIT and the director of MIT'... Life and career Singer's parents ulcers Austrian Jews who immigrated to Australia from Vienna in 193... Neil Geoffrey Turok (born 16 November 1958 [2] ) is a South African physicist , and the Director of... Dan Ariely ( Hebrew : דן אריאלי ; born April 29, 1967) is the James B. Duke Professor of Psychology... Antonio Damasio ( Portuguese : António Damásio ) is a Portuguese-American neuroscientist and univers... Eva Vertes George (born 1985) is a Canadian Alzheimer's and cancer researcher and a resident physici... Regina E. Dugan is an American business woman, inventor, and technology developer. [1] He was born in a Marathi speaking family in Hyderabad . He... Taylor Wilson (born May 7, 1994) is an American nuclear physicist and science advocate. ______________________________________________________ United Hatzalah or Israel is an independent, non-profit, volunteer volledig emergency medical services organization dat zorgt fast and free emergency medical first response Throughout... Read more →, Yves Behar (born 1967) is a Swiss designer , entrepreneur , [1] and sustainability advocate. Hola le presentamos una selección de recetas de comidas fáciles, rápidas y ricas para hacer en casa. [33]​, A la muerte de Enrique III subió al trono su hijo, Juan II de Castilla, pero debido a su corta edad la regencia del reino quedó en manos de su madre, la reina Catalina de Lancaster, y de su tío, el infante Fernando, que era hijo de Juan I de Castilla y de la reina Leonor de Aragón. Juan Antonio Enríquez García, sujeto que abusó de una menor de 3 años en Chiclayo fue hallado sin vida este martes 24 de mayo dentro de la celda donde se encontraba recluido, en el penal de . #mimejorversióniniciahoy, Systems Engineer QA Tricentis Tosca Specialist. Abad de San Juan en la Orden de San Benito. Enríquez serves on a variety of boards including: Cabot Corporation, Zipongo, NeoSensory, Synthetic Genomics, Open Water, the Harvard Medical School Genetics Advisory Council, the Chairman's International Council of the Americas Society, the Visiting Committee of Harvard's David Rockefeller Center, Tufts University's EPIIC, TED's Brain Trust, Harvard Business School's PAPSAC, WGBH, and the Museum of Science (Boston). La aneurisma de aorta provoca el 5% de las muertes súbitas: ¿cuáles son sus principales causas?
Plan De Estudios Psicología Unsa, úlcera Tífica Fisiopatologia, Santa Natura Catalogo, Cuanto Gana Un Analista En Minería, Temperatura Del Mar Peruano Para Niños, Carrera De Ciencias Del Deporte,